The history of the Electrical Engineering Department at Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) in Salatiga, Indonesia
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The old library building
Housing for lecturers
The old Auditorium - Building A
Herman Kanalebe and Hentji Latumusa in the lab
Thwan Hian, Teguh, Djunaedi, Handoko, Ika in the lab
At a friend's house (Pekalongan, Central Java) during a study trip
At GMKI asrama, visiting Institut Teknologi 10 November (ITS)
Harun, Djunaedi and Johan Hadi (pak Theo observing) visiting Lembaga Instrumentasi Nasional, Bandung (1970)
Construction of new library in the backdrop, friendly game with visitors from the Western College for Women, Ohio (now closed).
Copy of the Western College for Women newsletter publicising the visit to Satya Wacana in April/May 1969
Farewell function for Rev and Mrs. van Emmerik (furlough to Australia, December 1971) - Keluarga besar Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Elektro - 1971
Study tour - Kantor Pos dan Telegrap Salatiga
'Mapram' (Student Initiation) FTJE 1969
Announcement in a 1975 issue of 'Elektrika' (student magazine) of the graduation of the first Electrical Engineering Sarjana (S1). Together with Handoko Kristianto (25/TE) the author was the founding editor of this student magazine.
Study tour to the local Hydroelectric station. The 4 people standing up at the back (left to right) Arief Noegroho, Kadarmanto, Hardjono and Hentji Latunusa.
Postscript: Dr. Kadarmanto Hardjowasito is now Professor of Theology at the Jakarta Theological Seminary
Photograph of Satya Wacana Christian University circa 1973 (photo taken by Dr. Tony Nicholls, Fakultas Teologia, sent to the author).
Postscript: Dr. Tony Nicholls is now Dean of Students, Trinity Theological College, Western Australia